Saskia Muecke is a ceramic artist living on unceded Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung lands in Naarm, Victoria. A graduate of the Bachelor of Fine Arts at RMIT, majoring in Ceramics. Her practice is influenced by nature and the increasing effects of human-driven change on the world’s ecosystem.

Her practice is largely focused around experimental sculptural forms, often using additives of foraged natural sands or sourced waste glazes from local ceramic studios. Saskia’s work is concept driven, with a strong focus on commentary on anthropocentric changes to the natural environment. Conceptually taking influence from the writings of Donna Haraway, Anna Tsing and Cal Flyn, through their discussion on the changes human kind have had on the Earth, while also exploring the resilience of nature despite humanity becoming a driving force of ecological change, Saskia aims to bring these discussions into her art.

Saskia finds that ceramic processes create a close connection between the artist and the Earth, as clay is a material of the Earth. She finds that this developed connection is grounding and humbling as an experience. Saskia believes ceramics to be an incredibly intriguing medium, especially in the changes the clay goes through during the various ceramic processes. She sees a mirroring between these ceramic processes and the changes currently occurring in the world as it goes through the various anthropic forces of man-made climate and environmental change. Saskia finds the changes that occur during the ceramic process to be captivating, and enjoys that it, ceramics as a medium, always keeps the artist on their toes.